Spoon Day!

I spent last Saturday doing a spoon making workshop with the talented Sara Brown. She was running it as a make up for her students, but since I'd never made a spoon before, I thought I would join in.


We started by making about four or five spoons out of paper. We then looked at these as a group and decided which spoon each person should make out of copper. It was so interesting to see how many different spoons we were all able to come up with in about 20 min. We then had about an hour to make our copper spoons.


My paper spoon and my copper spoon. First spoon ever!

Of course, Sara made a lovely spoon.


We then cut some spoon templates out of paper and made copper spoons that were sunk, dapped and formed into 3 dimensions. Mine are a little wonky, but I like them anyway.

This week I was able to finish my spoons with some liver of sulfur and some enamel. All in all, I'm pretty happy with my first spoons ever. I'd like to make a few more spoons, incorporating some found materials after the holidays.

Happy Weekend!

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