Reading List
I've been doing a terrible job at blogging. Actually, I've been doing a pretty terrible job at keeping any sort of productive schedule. Between the multitude of snow days, and a cold last week, I'm finding it difficult to find any sort of motivation. I'm making small bits of progress and trying not to beat myself up too much. Small progress is better than no progress.
I got some excellent books for my birthday, in addition to some other books I've been meaning to read for some time. My "To Read" stack seems a little daunting, but with the weather being what it is (coupled with the fact that I just don't seem to have to go to work anymore) it's comforting to have this much material to investigate. Plus, the big ones are mostly pictures. My library isn't quite out of hand yet, for my small living space, but it's getting there.
Hope you're reading something inspiring!