Spring Stitching


Progress in the metals studio is coming in fits and spurts. I can only use the proper studio a couple days a week, and there are usually students about who need assistance, so it's hard to get much done.

I'm still feeling the need to stitch on paper, and have taken to carrying a folder of Canson colored paper and my embroidery floss around at all times. I still have no idea what to do with the paper once it's stitched. Maybe a book, or maybe I'll just start stitching postcards. I've got a book idea too, that I'm slowing chipping away at, and feel like I need to get moving on, despite there being no deadline what so ever. More and more, I'm day dreaming about time to focus on nothing more than paper and books and stitching. I've already decided that I'm not making any production jewelry for the time being. Only pieces I'm interested in making.

Hope you're working on something interesting.

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