Maker Crush Monday

Last fall my students informed me that "Man Crush Monday" was a thing. Since I look at a lot of work and love a lot of work, I decided to switch up the nomenclature and steal Amy Tavern's Guest Star idea and make "Maker Crush Monday" a weekly installment here on the blog. I hope you enjoy.

My first Maker Crush is Raissa Bump. I've always enjoyed the way she combines textures, and her use of metals and beads (something I tried to do, unsuccessfully, in undergrad). I love the forms and relative "quietness" of her work. She marries varied materials in a seamless way.

Another thing I find inspiring is that she does both jewelry and knitwear, and does both well. I've been more drawn to paper over metal these past few months, and there have been times when I've considered giving up metals and jewelry altogether in favor of papery pursuits. I find it encouraging to see an artist who excels in very different media, and who can show both bodies of work, side by side.

Check out more of Raissa Bump's incredible work here.