Process Shot of the Week
My earring challenge is still going strong, although I sometimes find it easier to make a matching pair in one day than an asymmetrical pair over two days. I'm missing a pair this week, since I didn't manage to get one done this past Saturday and Sunday. I had some obligations, and since I feel like I've had little to no down time since February, I decided to do something radical and cut myself some slack.
Day 16
The earring challenge will be done in just over a week, and I'm trying to decide what to do next. I feel like I'm finally making progress in other studio work, and there are some shows coming up that I'd like to apply for, so I might just shift all focus to those pieces. We also have a sale coming up, so I might also decide to do a production piece a day for a bit. Someone asked me what I was going to do with all these pieces that I'm making and if I was going to sell them. The sad truth is, most of them aren't good enough to sell. Craftsmanship has def. suffered when the main objective is to just get something done.
Day 17 and 18 These beer drinking guys are the closest to the pieces I'm working on for some upcoming shows.
I struggled this week with a back for a brooch I'm working on. Had to make it 3 times so far. It was also a bad week for melting things. Ugh. I also screwed up an enamel. It was quite a week in the studio, but ideas are coming easier and I actually picked up my sketchbook. After feeling so disoriented in the studio for so long, I feel like I'm finally getting my feet back under me, and that feels good.
Day 19
Day 20. Not the surface I was going for.
Stay tuned for more earrings! Thanks for reading!